What is the Root Chakra?

Jul 17, 2021


Where is this Chakra located and its function?

The Base/Root Chakra is an energy source within the base of your body. It is the first Chakra and is located at the base of the spine in the groin area. It is responsible for managing the root of your being and establishes the deepest connections with your physical body, your environment and the Earth. Muladhara is the most instinctual of all chakras — it is your survival center. Your fight-or-flight response is initiated from this chakra. This is your primal, animal nature.

The energy of Muladhara allows us to harness courage, resourcefulness and the will to live during trying times. It connects us with the spiritual energies of our ancestors, their challenges and their triumphs.

Signals that this is unbalanced are times that the body and mind is operating in survival mode. One tends to feel unbalanced to the point that the things are beginning and never finishing, the security and faith that things will be alright has been lost. As a result, the concern and worry for finance, provisions and security takes precedence leaving a person to feel unbalanced.

Survival mode is a clear indication that your base or root chakra is either closed or unbalanced. When in this position one is no longer operating on trust, but one of control. The Ego is in charge here and feels that "Unless I, then....". This indicates that the mind is in charge and allowing worry of future events are present or tension from past. In some instances, both.


Some points to understand and know about the first chakra are:Location:
Base of spine, pelvic region
Function: Survival, safety, grounding in the physical world, will to live
Plexus: Coccygeal plexus
Associated gland: Adrenal gland
Associated body parts: Legs, feet, bones, teeth, nails, blood, rectum, immune system
When a person notices these signals the proactive action goal is to get grounded. To do this, meditation on this center is needed. In instances, the chakra may be closed or off balanced. By focusing the energy on balancing this, we can now regain clarity and security back into our energy. 

The signal is a good thing for it gives us attention to our spirit and when it falls out of alignment from our body. It tells us that energetically, you have been taken off course and your attention is needed inward. This can happen periodically through the day or during a span of time. How much stress you undergo as well as consistency with meditation, breathing and practices will determine the frequency of managing your energetic sources.

When we have a balanced Root Chakra, benefits create a strong root for us to stand on to maneuver through our day, obstacles, challenges by creating an inner stability in oneself. It gives us a sense of trust and knowing that as our intuition guides us that we can believe in the positive lights around us and within.

It also elevates our energetic levels to one that will attract better resources and life fulfillment in alignment with our higher selves and goals. Other positive aspects are given here too. Just reflect as you go through and think, feel, be what a difference this will make in your life if these things are present.

Positive Aspects of a Balanced Root Chakra: Courage
Physical strength
Connection to nature
Outside of recovery, there is prevention and methods that can be done to proactively keep this chakra in alignment and balanced. 

Outside of meditation, there are other ways to balance and be proactive with keeping this Root Chakra balanced daily. Ways to balance vary with an array of methods done collectively or individually, depending on the level of unbalance. Part of focus is being and taking action with. Simple methods would be wearing the color of the chakra, in this instance Red. By doing this, we are aligning with and sending signals that we are in focus and balance with this Chakra.

Other methods would be applying certain scents as aromatherapy on pressure points on the body, such as the wrists or even lower back in this instance. The wrist is good so you can occasionally inhale the scent to send stimulation through the body.

Stones and Crystals, are great sources of energy. With a charged crystal/stone, you may carry with or wear on you to raise your vibrations and protect from dropping significantly. Now this is not a thing to worship the stone, but to merely understand that energy is merely transferred. Also, to embrace that certain stones carry different vibrations that are best for specific things.

How do we Balance?

Color therapy: RED

Aromatherapy: Vetiver, sandalwood, clove, juniper, cedar, lavender

Herbs: Raspberry leaf, cloves, ginseng, dandelion root

Mantra: Lam

Gemstone: Ruby, garnet, bloodstone, red jasper

To live an abundant life, you must be grounded and connected to the Earth. Jewelry, outside of tumbled stones are a great way to wear these energetic tools that bring stability in your energy source. Many people, including celebrities that are known for success through positive vibrations are also wearing items like these. The Stability Wrap for Women was designed to help you reconnect with the vibrations of the Earth, as well as the necklace.





Hematite is worn to help ground your energy as it brings focus and original thinking. It is the most powerful and effective of the grounding stones. It absorbs negative energy from your body, eliminating stress, worry and anxiety. Silver Leaf Jasper is a lucky gemstone that attracts health, security and beauty. It is also a very grounding gemstone that helps with healing. Silver Leaf Jasper instills a feeling of wholeness, serenity and stability.

Affirmation: I am balanced and connected to the energy of the Earth.

Our Stability Wrap for Women is a 15” double wrap bracelet made with 4mm beads. If you want to learn more about grounding your energy and grounding stones, check out our blog post, Grounding Your Energy with Hematite



Hematite is worn to help ground your energy as it brings focus and original thinking. It is the most powerful and effective grounding gemstone. It absorbs negative energy from your body, eliminating stress, worry and anxiety. 

Jasper is a lucky gemstone that attracts health, security and beauty. It is also a very grounding gemstone that helps with healing. 

The authentic Chinese Coin, estimated to be 100-500 years old, is an ancient and powerful manifesting tool for attracting wealth, luck and endless opportunity. A symbol of good fortune; its round shape representing Heaven and the interior square symbolizing Earth. 

When we take the time to align and control our internal energies along with prayer, we begin to see the transformation in our lives. Balancing each Chakra is fundamentally important. These methods were focused on the root. It is the first, just as a tree when it first grows, bear the root first, so must we begin our focus here at the base of our spine with mastering and grounding our energy.