Putting your best foot forward

Jul 19, 2021

Is essential to success in any walks of life. If you don't get out and try then you have failed already. The best way to look at things when embracing something new or starting something out is that you are already at NO. When you do this, you eliminate or at least reduce the number of self limiting thoughts that can manifest with making a decision.


Often times, coming out your comfort zone, is THE biggest challenge. Think about the last time you maybe had to speak in front of a group of people, make a presentation for a new client, write a blog, contract or make that phone call to a client or personal matter and the apprehensions that existed. This is the door to leaving your comfort zone. In this instance, thoughts can flood your mind that prevents you from taking the next step. The concern if you will be good enough or will it be done right.


Putting your best foot forward is just doing that, taking the step. You are already at NO, so why not try for Yes? Your best foot is moving from complacency to achievement. With achievement, comes mistakes, strifes, other no's and the yes. Success is not beautiful end result, but the perseverance to move through adversity and to continue taking the steps forward. Understanding that its not just quantity but quality and that quality comes through your experiences of moving forward. 


Its when you continue to take your steps, you get better at walking, talking, acting and BEING the person you wish to become. You become Quality. This quality, separates you from the rest and makes the value of what you have to offer that more delightful. It changes your audiences focus of price to value. Your value. 


So take your best step, your first, second and many steps forward to you.