My Oooh haha moment - confirmation

Jul 19, 2021

Never doubt your intuition and your inner feelings. I've had this feeling on something for a while now and then a conversation today, finally confirmed it! It was that oooh haha moment. Lol...It felt great. Even better to have another great conversation with someone that can gave me insight on what challenge I was facing, relate and give constructive advice and even more important with empathy.

In this life we are not alone, nor were we meant to be. You have to put out in the universe what you are looking for and trust with the divine that things will come to you. Even more, that there are no accidents and that there is a reason for everything, even when you do not see it.

As frustrating as things can get, stay focused on what is at hands, pay attention to the messages being sent and trust that the plan for you is much greater than you can conceive. If you let go of this, you have lost hope and what is truly destined for you.

Stay focused, stay sharp, be attuned and listen - it is for you.