Meditation, Syncronicity and Consistency

Jul 17, 2021

Meditation, Syncronicity and Consistency

Meditation, Syncronicity and Consistency

Now I made a vow to stay consistent here even if it is late in the day. So today was filled with a lot of nothing. Dealing with a teen that is overwhelmed with college decisions, a young child that has his challenges, I guess its a boy thing and a bunch of spiritual shifts that caused me slow down and pay attention.

Now with meditation, an imagery that I've seen before but not familiar with, came to me. It was this blue guy. That's how I will say it for that is where my ignorance was. I am growing just as everyone else and knowing EVERY culture and beliefs is not something I will admit I am or know. However, what I do know, I KNOW.

So the laws of synchronicity begins to play out by leading me to someone of a Hindu faith that can identify what I saw and the meaning behind it. (Ah-hah). The impression was so high when he arrived that the feelings were with me. It was no accident that I met this man that shed light on my experience and who I saw. If you are wondering, it was Shiva. Trust and believe I will be reading to understand more. I have started and am honored that such enlightened masters have entrusted their energies with me.

As I grow and break past my own levels of fear and overcome my own levels of obstacles, I realized that slowing down to the little signals, gives profound meaning to your life. That in fact, one does receive answers for their prayers and requests.

So with work and productivity (sigh) it was a small wash. But its okay, I will not be hard on myself. I am grateful for the day spent and the balance that occurred in the day. Lunch with my Girly and strolling on the campus and having life discussions has eased some tensions. As well as talking to my little man. My energy was placed into some loves and back into me today and for that I am grateful.

A value can't be placed on well spent time. More importantly, acknowledging the messages that God is giving to you at the time he sends. It is truly powerful. The inward reflections that I myself teach and talk about here are what makes a peace of mind and a strong foundation to move forward.

So if you too are going through levels of obstacles, its okay to fall back and take a break. Look within and find levels of consistency with doing this. Through this, and meditation, you will find synchronicity with your walk towards your goals and things will align. And the most important, show gratitude, even for the downfalls. It is the true way we graduate and move to the next level.

Love and Light,
